This event occurs in the past. See below for our upcoming courses, retreats and special events.

Transforming Enjoyments

The Tantric Approach to a Meaningful Life

Our ordinary enjoyments – companionship, pleasing environments, food, music and so on – captivate our attention. Pursuing them takes up a huge amount of our time. Yet at best they give us a fleeting moment of happiness and sometimes not even that. Our attachment to them also underlies our compulsions and self-destructive behaviors.

The path to actual long-lasting happiness and freedom lies through training the mind, both in meditation and in our daily life, because actual happiness is a state of mind and has inner causes. Is it possible to enjoy ourselves and make great spiritual progress while doing so? To, so to speak, have our cake and eat it too? Yes! However, to do so requires wisdom, discipline and a good heart.

In this course, through guided meditations, talks and discussion, Kadam Morten will introduce us to some of Buddha’s profound and beautiful methods whereby we can transform our experience of enjoyment into the peaceful and positive states of mind which are the actual causes of true and lasting happiness.

These methods, which come from Buddha’s Sutra and Tantra teachings, can be applied directly to enhancing our own lives. Not only do they help us to enjoy ourselves more, they enable us to make our lives more meaningful and beneficial.

Everybody welcome.




Vajrayogini Self-Initiation

Saturday, March 15
9:30am – 1:00pm
with Senior Students of KMC NYC


Special Sunday Series with Kadam Matthew

Eight Sundays Over March, April and May
3:30 – 5:00pm
with Kadam Matthew


Swift Wisdom, Swift Action

Saturday, March 22
12:00 – 3:30pm + Q&A
with Michelle Valladares


24-Hour Tara Puja

Saturday, March 22 – Sunday, March 23
Chanted Prayers to Buddha Tara
Starts Saturday, 5:30pm


True Freedom

Saturday, March 29
10:00am – 1:30pm + Q&A
with Gen Kelsang Demo


Vajrayogini Half-day Retreat

Saturday, April 5
10:00am – 1:30pm + Q&A
with Kadam Morten


Buddha’s Enlightenment Day Two-Day Fasting Retreat

April 11 & 12
7:00am start
(Mahayana Precepts)

The Power of Slowing Down

Saturday, April 19
10:00am – 1:30pm + Q&A
with Tim Cockey


The Annual Northeast Dharma Celebration

April 25-27
Temple for World Peace, Glen Spey
with Kadam Morten


International Kadampa Spring Festival 2025

Empowerment and Commentary to the Practice of Buddha Maitreya
May 23-28
with Gen-la Kelsang Jampa


International Kadampa Summer Festival 2025

Green Tara Empowerment & Teachings
July 25-August 9
with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong and Gen-la Kelsang Jampa


A Life Beyond Fear with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong

Thursday, September 11
7:00 – 8:30pm at the Town Hall
with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong


International Kadampa Fall Festival 2025

Dorje Shugden Empowerment & Teachings
October 3-9
with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong