Sundays, 11:00am - 12:30pm
Liberating Wisdom
The Practice Of Emptiness
This class is offered in person only
$15 per class, free for supporting members
According to Buddha, the root cause of our suffering is our ignorance of, and subsequent misapprehension of, how things actually exist. We perceive phenomena as existing entirely independently of the mind, and it is this mistaken apprehension that gives rise to all attachments and aversions that generate our unhappiness.
In reality things are empty of being independent of the mind. It is through understanding this emptiness that we begin to undermine all the unhappiness in our minds and lives. Gradually, through gaining deep experience of emptiness in meditation, we can actually purify our minds completely and eventually eradicate even the root cause of our suffering.
What could be more exciting than coming to understand the true nature of all things? And then to discover that this insight will actually remove all our unhappiness and make our lives inexpressibly joyful, creative and meaningful?
March 30: The Wisdom of Emptiness, with Gen Kelsang Demo
April 6: The Emptiness of the Body, with Kadam Morten
April 13: The Dream-like Nature of Things, with Kadam Matthew
April 20: No Self, with Julia Strohm
April 27: Emptiness in Everyday Life, with Natalia Darialova
Our general program classes include Dharma teachings along with guided meditations
Each class is self-contained and is also presented as part of a series. Drop into any class you like
These classes are suitable for both beginners and more advanced meditation practitioners
No special clothing is required
Everyone welcome!
Read our terms and conditions
Headphones are available for those who are hard of hearing. Please contact [email protected] to reserve a pair


Williamsburg Kadampa Meditation Center Branch
Meditation and Buddhism classes
offered throughout the week
Everyone welcome

Upper West Side Buddhist Meditation Class
Monday General Program Class
7:00 – 8:15pm
with Sally Blue

Inner Protection for Difficult Times
Tuesday Morning General Program Class
11:15am – 12:45pm
with Kadam Morten

Harlem Buddhist Meditation Class – Thursdays
Thursday General Program Class
6:30 – 7:45pm
with Alex Bonano

Riverdale Buddhist Meditation Class
Friday General Program Class
3:30 – 4:30pm
with Tracy Oshaughnessy

Harlem Buddhist Meditation Class – Sundays
Sunday General Program Class
10:00 – 11:15am
with Julie Stewart