Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30pm
Finding a Safe Haven Within
Starts Tuesday, March 4
This class is offered in person only
$10 per class, free for supporting members
The nature of our mind is naturally peaceful. This is big, likely surprising news and means we don’t have to create or fabricate internal peace but rather find our way to it and continue to grow and access it. We can do this through meditation creating inroads that will take us to our destination quickly and reliably. Once we discover this untapped reservoir within, we have a safe haven available to us at all times. From here, we can look at the external challenges of our world in the most beneficial way. This is real refuge and protection in difficult (and at all) times!
March 4: The Peaceful Nature of the Mind
March 11: Finding our Way to Contentment
March 18: Our Extraordinary Potential for Bliss
March 25: Connecting with Our Purity and Goodness
April 1: The Vast Peace and Clarity of the Mind
April 8: The Indestructible Nature of a Balanced Mind
April 15: A Safe Haven Within: Real Refuge and Protection
Finding a Safe Haven through Enlightened Connection
Once we know how to find our way to internal peace, we have a powerful point of connection to enlightened peace. In this series, we will continue to look at and practice the meditations for tapping into and deeply acquainting ourselves with the vast peace within our own mind—our own Buddha nature—and through this with a powerful source of peace and protection that moves well beyond ourselves alone. When we know how to connect with our own and others’ peaceful hearts, we have a vibrant, communal safe haven in which we experience a calm yet powerful optimism— a joy—which we can then bring to others and to our world.
April 22: Finding Our Way to Inner Peace
April 29: Our Pure Potential
May 6: The Pure Potential of Others
May 13: Understanding Enlightenment
May 20: Connecting with Enlightened Peace
May 27: The Power of Blessings
June 3: Inner Peace, Outer Peace
Our general program classes include Dharma teachings along with guided meditations
Each class is self-contained and is also presented as part of a series. Drop into any class you like
These classes are suitable for both beginners and more advanced meditation practitioners
No special clothing is required
Everyone welcome!
Read our terms and conditions


Williamsburg Kadampa Meditation Center Branch
Meditation and Buddhism classes
offered throughout the week
Everyone welcome

Harnessing the Power of Imagination to Transform Your Life
Monday General Program Class
7:00 – 8:30pm
with Kadam Morten

Upper West Side Buddhist Meditation Class
Monday General Program Class
7:00 – 8:15pm
with Sally Blue

Harnessing the Power of Imagination to Transform Your Life
Tuesday Morning General Program Class
11:15am – 12:45pm
with Kadam Morten

New Series: Opening the Door to Change
Wednesday General Program Class
7:00 – 8:30pm
with Kadam Matthew

Harlem Buddhist Meditation Class – Thursdays
Thursday General Program Class
6:30 – 7:45pm
with Alex Bonano

Riverdale Buddhist Meditation Class
Friday General Program Class
3:30 – 4:30pm
with Tracy Oshaughnessy

Meditation on Death is the Ultimate Life Saver
Friday General Program Class
5:30 – 6:30pm
with Julie Stewart

Harlem Buddhist Meditation Class – Sundays
Sunday General Program Class
10:00 – 11:15am
with Julie Stewart

The Best Meditation for Improving your Concentration
Sunday Morning GP Series
11:00am – 12:30pm
with Kadam Morten