This event occurs in the past. See below for our upcoming courses, retreats and special events.
Creating an Extraordinary Life
Highest Yoga Tantra, the Quick Path to Enlightenment
When Buddha taught, he did so according to the spiritual capacity of those listening. Consequently, Buddha taught at many different levels. The highest of all Buddha’s teachings are the practices of Highest Yoga Tantra.
To actually engage in these practices we need to first receive a Highest Yoga Tantra empowerment which will be given this summer at the Kadampa Summer Festival in the UK. However, even before receiving this empowerment one can begin to incorporate aspects of these wonderful practices and insights into one’s life.
The practices of Highest Yoga Tantra allows us apply the insights of Buddha directly to our lives in an extraordinarily creative and joyful way. Based on the profound insight that our mind creates our reality, Tantra enables us to harness the most powerful aspects of our mind and through the use of imagination and faith in conjunction with our wisdom and compassion to create the most extraordinary life. Through learning to imagine what the experience of being enlightened is like, we are given a vision of our own future enlightenment that powerfully inspires us to take full advantage of this extraordinary life that we are actually having right now.


Special Sunday Series with Kadam Matthew
Eight Sundays Over March, April and May
3:30 – 5:00pm
with Kadam Matthew

24-Hour Tara Puja
Saturday, March 22 – Sunday, March 23
Chanted Prayers to Buddha Tara
Starts Saturday, 5:30pm

The Annual Northeast Dharma Celebration
April 25-27
Temple for World Peace, Glen Spey
with Kadam Morten

International Kadampa Spring Festival 2025
Empowerment and Commentary to the Practice of Buddha Maitreya
May 23-28
with Gen-la Kelsang Jampa

International Kadampa Summer Festival 2025
Green Tara Empowerment & Teachings
July 25-August 9
with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong and Gen-la Kelsang Jampa