New Year's Special Offer: Bring a Friend for Free to our NoHo branch class on Wednesday, February 5! Everybody Welcome!

Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:00pm

NoHo Buddhist Meditation Class

New Series: Transforming Anger and Hurt Into Spiritual Power

This week's class is taught by guest teacher, Sam Brusca

Sam Brusca
Sam Brusca

Why do we respond to feelings of hurt and rejection by becoming angry? Clearly we think that anger will protect us. However, in truth it does the opposite. It locks us even deeper into our experience of being overwhelmed, makes us feel worse about ourselves, and leads us to say and do things that exacerbate the problem and that we will later regret.

In this series, through talks, guided meditations and discussions, we will explore far more successful strategies for dealing with hurt and disappointment. We will discover how rather than getting swept up in our anger we can transform that impulse into a flexible, peaceful and clear-minded response. Such a skillful response not only brings resolution and creates harmony, it also enables us to transcend our feelings of hurt within we so often feel stuck.

Jan 8: Do We Actually Want to Let Go of Anger and Hurt?
Jan 15: Karma and Patient Acceptance: A Powerful Response to Anger
Jan 22: Transforming Our Conception of Self
Jan 29: Transforming our Conception of Others


How Love Solves Our Problem

February is for lovers. Actually, so is every other month, day, and moment. When we identify ourselves as lovers—in love with the world and everyone in it—we can feel that this moment, whatever it brings, is for us. Wherever we find ourselves, in whatever circumstances, is just as it should be. No problem.

So how do we bring this about? For starters, we need to look for love in the only place it can truly be found: in our own heart and mind (basically, as Buddha taught, these places are one and the same.) Nurturing love in our heart heals our relationship with ourself, our family and friends, and our world, and our life. This may sound idealistic but, in truth, it’s very practical. Buddha taught special methods whereby we learn to tune into our own capacity for love, to nurture it and expand it, opening it to more and more people, and, ultimately, to all living beings.

In this series, we’ll engage in a series of meditations on love and explore how we can practically apply them to solving our various problems and creating more joy and meaning in our lives.

February 5: How Love Solves Our Problems
February 12: How Love Heals Our Relationships
February 19: How Self-love Leads to Authentic Love for Others
February 26: How Training in Love Increases our Resilience
March 5: How Love Frees Us from Anger and Conflict
March 12: How Training In Love Leads to Lasting Happiness


Please note: The entrance to the Sheen Center is on Elizabeth Street
Our general program classes include Dharma teachings along with guided meditations
These classes are suitable for both beginners and more advanced meditation practitioners
General meditation classes are given as a series, but can also be taken individually
No special clothing is required
No pre-registration is necessary
Chairs are supplied
Everyone welcome!






Williamsburg Kadampa Meditation Center Branch

Meditation and Buddhism classes
offered throughout the week
Everyone welcome

Special Event & 5-Week Series: Transforming Difficult Times into Inner Strength

Monday General Program Class
7:00 – 8:30pm
with Kadam Morten


Upper West Side Buddhist Meditation Class

Monday General Program Class
7:00 – 8:15pm
with Sally Blue

Special Event & 5-Week Series: Transforming Difficult Times into Inner Strength

Tuesday Morning General Program Class
11:15am – 12:45pm
with Kadam Morten


New Time, New Teacher

Tuesday Night General Program Class
5:30 – 6:30pm
with Paige Polisner


Williamsburg General Program Class

Wednesday Night GP Series
7:00 – 8:15pm

Now is the Time

Wednesday General Program Class
7:00 – 8:30pm
with Kadam Matthew


Hoboken Buddhist Meditation Class

Monday General Program Class
7:00 – 8:30pm
with France Roy


Queens Buddhist Meditation Class

Thursday General Program Class
6:30 – 7:45pm
with Woo Jung Cho


Harlem Buddhist Meditation Class – Thursdays

Thursday General Program Class
6:30 – 7:45pm
with Alex Bonano


Riverdale Buddhist Meditation Class

Friday General Program Class
3:30 – 4:30pm
with Tracy Oshaughnessy


New Series: Living Your Best Mind

Friday General Program Class
5:30 – 6:30pm
with Julie Stewart


Harlem Buddhist Meditation Class – Sundays

Sunday General Program Class
10:00 – 11:15am
with Julie Stewart


New Series: The Karma Code

Sunday Morning GP Series
11:00am – 12:30pm
with Kadam Morten


Jersey City Buddhist Meditation Class

Sunday General Program Class
11:30am – 1:00pm
with Kelly Goedert


KMC Brooklyn

Meditation and Buddhism classes
offered throughout the week
Everyone welcome!