Mondays, 7:00 - 8:15pm
$10 per class, free for supporting members
Upper West Side Buddhist Meditation Class
New Series: What Matters Most
Buddha compares meditation on death to an elephant’s footprint—it leaves the deepest impression on our mind. We realize we’re travelers, here on a brief, awesome adventure, but headed for future worlds. We make the most of each moment, forming deep, genuine connections with our traveling companions. And when our stop comes, we don’t clutch the rails or beg for one more mile—we tip our hats to the wind and step off the train with a smile.
In this series, we’ll face life’s only certainty head-on. Our actions will become tender and wise. We’ll dearly want to practice Dharma with urgency and purity, knowing it’s our truest, best friend, the only one we can take with us as we journey on.
March 10: Supercharge Your Day
March 17: The Freedom of Being a Traveler
March 24: What Happens When We Die
March 31: What Matters Most
April 7: Seize the Day
April 14: Living Fully in the Moment
April 21: Preparing Protection
April 28: Recognizing Our Existential Vulnerability
May 5: Acknowledging and Transforming Fear
Our general program classes include Dharma teachings along with guided meditations
Join us at 7:00pm and stay for snacks and "hangout" time afterwards
These classes are suitable for both beginners and more advanced meditation practitioners
General meditation classes are given as a series, but can also be taken individually
No special clothing is required
No pre-registration is necessary
Chairs are supplied
Everyone welcome!

Williamsburg Kadampa Meditation Center Branch
Meditation and Buddhism classes
offered throughout the week
Everyone welcome

Harnessing the Power of Imagination to Transform Your Life
Monday General Program Class
7:00 – 8:30pm
with Kadam Morten

Harnessing the Power of Imagination to Transform Your Life
Tuesday Morning General Program Class
11:15am – 12:45pm
with Kadam Morten

New Series: Opening the Door to Change
Wednesday General Program Class
7:00 – 8:30pm
with Kadam Matthew

Harlem Buddhist Meditation Class – Thursdays
Thursday General Program Class
6:30 – 7:45pm
with Alex Bonano

Riverdale Buddhist Meditation Class
Friday General Program Class
3:30 – 4:30pm
with Tracy Oshaughnessy

Meditation on Death is the Ultimate Life Saver
Friday General Program Class
5:30 – 6:30pm
with Julie Stewart

Harlem Buddhist Meditation Class – Sundays
Sunday General Program Class
10:00 – 11:15am
with Julie Stewart

The Best Meditation for Improving your Concentration
Sunday Morning GP Series
11:00am – 12:30pm
with Kadam Morten