Vajrapani Empowerment Weekend

November 14, 2023

"Who would we be without our anger, our attachment, our insecurities?" Kadam Morten asked the almost 250 New Yorkers who were gathered for last weekend's empowerment of Buddha Vajrapani.

With this simple but profound question the door was opened for us to envision an entirely new world for ourselves and others. First we create this vision in our imagination and then, through receiving Buddha Vajrapani's blessings, we are given the means to bring this imagined reality into being. How extraordinary!

Buddha Vajrapani is the Buddha of spiritual power and skillful means who exists to help us eradicate all the delusions from our mind so that we can progress along the spiritual path.

Following the empowerment on Saturday, we spent the weekend engaging in the practice of the Yoga of Buddha Vajrapani, the actual method for accomplishing a completely liberated mind that has the power to liberate all living beings.

We concluded the weekend with a party to celebrate Kadam Morten's birthday!

Thank you to everyone who joined us!

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