Fees for the Country Retreat 2024

Cancellation policy: If you cancel more than 72 hours before the start of the retreat or your arrival, whichever is earlier, 25% of the total booking will be retained, including meals and accommodation, and the balance refunded. Cancellations within 72 hours are non-refundable.

Course Fees:

Full weekend: $90

Friday only: $10

Saturday only: $40

Sunday only: $40

Monday only: $10

Audio Recordings Fees:

Recordings are offered for sale at $35 to those who attend the full weekend. Members who book for the full weekend receive the recordings at no charge.

Onsite Accommodations Fees

Must book all three nights for onsite accommodation (except for those camping who are bringing their own tent).  

Please note: for single and double rooms, one person purchases the room. For triples, shares and dorms, each person purchases their bed.

Single Bedroom: $100/night for the room, $300 for all three nights

Single Bedroom with "Jack and Jill" Style Bathroom: $125/night for the room, $375 for all three nights

Twin Bedroom: $130/night for the room, $390 for all three nights.

Twin Bedroom with Ensuite Bathroom: $150/night for the room, $450 for all three nights

Double Bedroom: $125/night for the room, $375 for all three nights

King Bedroom with Ensuite Bathroom: $145/night for the room, $435 for all three nights

Triple Bedroom with "Jack and Jill" Style Bathroom: $75/night per person, $225 for all three nights

Shared Bedroom: $50/night per person, $150 for all three nights

Dorm: $30/night per person, $90 for all three nights + $5 for linen pack (packs include top sheet, towel and blanket)

Cabin (1-2 people): $75/night for the cabin, $225 for all three nights

Camping (Pre-erected double tent): $47/night per tent, $141 for all three nights

Camping (Pre-erected single tent): $30/night per tent, $90 for all three nights

Camping (with own tent): $20/night per person, $60 for all three nights

For offsite accommodations, check our FAQs for suggestions.


For those staying onsite, breakfast is included. Daily meal packages are available for lunch and dinner ($14/day for onsite/offsite attendees).


Round Trip Shuttle Transfer from KMC NYC to the Temple: $79/person