Refuge Ceremony and the Practice of Going for Refuge

SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 10:00AM - 4:15PM*
$40, free for members
10:00-11:30am: Teaching - Refuge from the Storm
12:15-1:30pm: Refuge Ceremony
3:00-4:15pm: Integrating the Practice of Refuge in Your Daily Life
Everybody Welcome!
*Members of KMC NYC are welcome to attend the morning and afternoon teachings online however the Refuge ceremony is offered in-person only
How do we protect ourselves from the storm of suffering raging around us and within us?
According to Buddha’s teachings, known as Dharma, suffering arises not from external conditions themselves but rather from how we respond to them. Suffering arises from the mind and therefore to protect ourselves from suffering we need to learn to train our mind by taking Buddha's teachings to heart and applying them to our own lives.
If we are to have lasting success in this training we need to decide to fully engage in this process. We can find protection from the suffering of this life and our future lives by going for heartfelt refuge in the practice of Dharma. This in turn depends upon our trust in the teachings and blessings of Buddha and the support and friendship of Sangha, the spiritual community. This refuge in Buddha, Dharma and Sangha or the Three Jewels, is what characterizes the Buddhist approach to life.
Anyone who is applying Dharma to their lives is implicitly going for refuge. However, there is a special Refuge Ceremony in which we can formally go for refuge. Doing so creates a powerful bond with the Buddhas, deepens our own commitment to our practice, empowers us with strong positive energy, and bestows upon us spiritually nourishing blessings.
In this day course, Kadam Morten will introduce us to the extraordinary qualities of the Three Jewels and explain the practice of going for refuge, known as the gateway to Buddhism. This will then be followed by the Refuge Ceremony.
In the afternoon Kadam Morten will then give advice on how to integrate our refuge practically so that it is both providing protection and laying the foundation for all our subsequent spiritual experiences and realizations...all the way to enlightenment.
There will also be an opportunity to ask questions. If you wish, you can bring a traditional offering of food or flowers to the refuge ceremony.
Everyone is welcome.
Kadam Morten is a senior disciple of renowned teacher and author Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. He is the National Spiritual Director and principal teacher at the largest meditation center in New York City (NYC Kadampa Meditation Center). Kadam Morten is greatly admired as a meditation teacher and is especially known for his clarity, humor and inspirational presentation of Dharma. His teachings are always practical and easy to apply to everyday life. Through his gentle and joyful approach and his peaceful example, he has helped many people find true happiness in their hearts.