KMC NYC Response to Covid-19
June 21, 2020
Thursday, February 10
Mask Mandate Now Lifted
In line with the easing of New York’s pandemic restrictions announced today, we will no longer require you to wear a mask while at our Center.
If you feel more comfortable and safe wearing one, you are welcome to keep doing so.
We will continue to do everything in our power to keep our Center as safe for our Sangha as possible. This includes continuing to have professional cleaning of our air systems every 3 months.
Sunday, November 28
Please Continue to Remain Masked at All Times While Visiting Our Center. For Larger, Special Events, Please Note that Proof of Vaccination will Now Be Required (Where Stated)
The health, safety and wellbeing of our community remains our main focus. We continue to require that both vaccinated and unvaccinated visitors to our Center wear a mask at all times. For our larger special events we now also require proof of vaccination. Whenever this is the case, it will be stipulated on the event registration page.
Please ensure you continue to fulfill the following criteria whenever you plan to visit the Center:
- You do not have a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or greater, and have not had a new cough, new loss of taste or smell, or shortness of breath within the past 10 days
- You have not tested positive for COVID-19 using a test that tested saliva or used a nose or throat swab in the past 10 days
If you discover you have been in contact with a person infected with COVID-19, or you have experienced any symptoms in the last 14-days please take the following steps:
Unvaccinated visitors: cancel your registration (by contacting support) and refrain from coming to the Center for 14 days.
Vaccinated visitors: take a Covid-19 test within 5-7 days. If you test positive, refrain from coming to the Center for 14 days.
Thursday, September 16
In Compliance with State and City Guidelines, Please Remain Masked at All Times While Visiting Our Center (Both Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Guests)
The delta variant of COVID-19 is infecting both unvaccinated and, to a lesser extent, vaccinated people. Expert epidemiologists are strongly recommending that everyone wear a mask while indoors. In an effort to keep our Sangha, families, larger communities, and world safer, we are now requiring that both vaccinated and unvaccinated visitors to our Center wear a mask at all times.
Please ensure you also fulfill the following criteria:
- You do not have a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or greater, and have not had a new cough, new loss of taste or smell, or shortness of breath within the past 10 days
- You have not tested positive for COVID-19 using a test that tested saliva or used a nose or throat swab in the past 10 days
- To the best of your knowledge, in the past 14 days you have not been in close contact (within 6 feet for at least 10 minutes) with anyone while they had COVID-19
- In the past 14 days, you have not traveled internationally or spent more than 24 hours in a state identified by New York State as having widespread community transmission of COVID-19 (visit for applicable states)
If you discover you have been in contact with a person infected with COVID-19, or you have experienced any symptoms in the last 14-days please take the following steps:
Unvaccinated visitors: cancel your registration (by contacting support) and refrain from coming to the Center for 14 days.
Vaccinated visitors: take a Covid-19 test within 3-5 days. If you test positive, refrain from coming to the Center for 14 days.
Friday, August 6
In Compliance with State and City Guidelines, Please Remain Masked at All Times While Visiting Our Center if You are Unvaccinated
Please note our updated guidelines effective today:
Unvaccinated visitors to our Center in Chelsea must wear a mask at all times (including while seated in the meditation room)
Vaccinated visitors are recommended to also wear a mask while visiting so that everyone on our premises can feel safe.
Please ensure you also fulfill the following criteria:
- You do not have a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or greater, and have not had a new cough, new loss of taste or smell, or shortness of breath within the past 10 days
- You have not tested positive for COVID-19 using a test that tested saliva or used a nose or throat swab in the past 10 days
- To the best of your knowledge, in the past 14 days you have not been in close contact (within 6 feet for at least 10 minutes) with anyone while they had COVID-19
- In the past 14 days, you have not traveled internationally or spent more than 24 hours in a state identified by New York State as having widespread community transmission of COVID-19 (visit for applicable states)
If you discover you have been in contact with a person infected with COVID-19, or you have experienced any symptoms in the last 14-days please take the following steps:
Unvaccinated visitors: cancel your registration (by contacting support) and refrain from coming to the Center for 14 days.
Vaccinated visitors: if asymptomatic, wear a mask for 14 days after exposure and take a Covid-19 test within 3-5 days. If you test positive, refrain from coming to the Center for 14 days.
Monday, June 28
When Visiting our Center in Chelsea, Masks are no longer required if you are vaccinated
Please note our updated guidelines effective today:
Vaccinated visitors to our Center in Chelsea: you are now welcome to move about our premises without a mask.
Unvaccinated visitors: you are welcome to take off masks when attending classes, while seated over a red dot.
Thursday, June 10
In-Person Attendees are Now Welcome to Enjoy their Classes Maskless
Current state guidelines for Religious and Funeral Services indicate the following:
"Face coverings are required at all times except while seated, provided all individuals are 6 ft. apart except for immediate household members. Faith leaders, officiants, volunteers, and/or attendees must be prepared to don a face covering if another person unexpectedly comes within 6 ft. (e.g. when walking to seats)"
When you attend our classes, you are now welcome to take off your mask once class has started, provided your chair is placed over a red dot. Members of the same household are now also welcome to sit together in a "pod," sharing a red dot.
At all other times, we still require masks.
Monday, May 24, 2021
KMC NYC's Reopening Plan
Dear Sangha,
We are paying close attention to the New York City and State re-opening guidelines and will continue to update this page with any changes to our Covid-19 policies and procedures. Our current policy remains consistent with what was introduced in September 2020:
- The Center is currently only open to those who have pre-registered to attend classes in person
- Pre-registration is available on our website. For all classes on offer, visit this week's classes
- When visiting the Center, please continue to comply with the following Covid-19 policies and procedures:
- Arrive up to 30 minutes before class start time
- Wear a mask at all times, including during actual classes
- If you discover you have been in contact with a person infected with COVID-19, or you have experienced any symptoms in the last 14-days please cancel your registration (by contacting support) and refrain from coming to the Center for 14 days
- Please call 212.924.6706, or email us at [email protected] with any questions.
As we welcome our Sangha back to our Center, safety and health will continue to remain a top priority per the current measures we have in place:
- Students, staff, and visitors continue to be required to complete an online health screening prior to each visit to the Center
- Class sizes continue to be limited to 30 students so that social distancing can be enforced (per the red dots in the meditation rooms)
- All areas and surfaces will continue to be cleaned and sanitized throughout the day
- Signage reminding all of us to social distance and sanitize hands will continue to be displayed
- Hand sanitizing dispensers will remain available in the Center lobby
- Masks will continue to be available for sale
We look forward to welcoming you back to KMC NYC - we hope to see you soon!
Monday, September 14, 2020
We Are Now Welcoming Up To 30 People at Our In-Person Classes
We are happy to share that we are now able to welcome up to 30 people at our classes open for in-person attendance!
It is necessary to pre-register if you plan to join us. Simply go to our website and choose from the weekly classes that have the button "Buy Now - Attend In Person" on their page. We do require that all attendees comply with our Covid-19 policies and procedures (see class registration pages and ask at the front desk for more details).
Please note: the Center remains closed except when classes are taking place.
See you soon!

Wednesday, June 10, 2020
KMC NYC is Slowly Reopening!
Some good news!
KMC NYC is slowly re-openining! In compliance with State and City regulations and guidelines, we are now able to welcome up to 10 people, in person at each of Kadam Morten's classes. We have begun rolling out a new system for registering our members for in-person classes, and will soon extend this option to all of our Sangha. Our livestream classes will continue to be available online for those who are not yet ready to venture out.
Please reach out to us with any questions. We look forward to hopefully seeing you at the Center soon.

Thursday, March 12, 2020
KMC NYC's Classes Moving Online
Dear friends,
Effective immediately, we are suspending all KMC NYC in-person classes and will be moving to a live, online format. This is in order to be able to continue to provide our community with access to Buddha's wisdom teachings as the city faces the threat of Covid-19.
Please be patient with us over the next few days as we make the full transition, updating our website and adjusting our booking system.
Registration for online classes will open on Sunday morning at this link: https://meditationinnewyork.
The first class offered will be the Monday, March 16th GP at 7pm taught by Kadam Morten, after which time our regular GP schedule at the main center will be offered live.
We will also offer our lunchtime and after-work classes online. Please stay tuned for when these will begin.
Study programs will also continue - students in FP and TTP, please be on the lookout for your online class details coming to you shortly.
For those of you who attend our various branch classes throughout the city, we are able to offer a live GP at or around the same time as your usual class, except for those of you who attend the Monday morning class in Riverdale or the Friday morning class in Williamsburg. For these two classes, please stay tuned as we work out to find a way to make them available online.
For those of you who attend Friday or Sunday GP, please note, classes will not take place on March 13 and 15. This also applies to the Sunday kids classes. Unfortunately, Sunday kids classes are on hold until further notice.
Our weekly newsletter will continue to be a great source of information on upcoming classes at KMC NYC.
Please reach out to us with any questions. We look forward to serving you through this challenging time.
Best wishes for your wellbeing and happiness.
Colin Chase
Kadampa Meditation Center NYC
Friday, March 6, 2020
KMC NYC's Response to Covid-19
- Providing soaps and sanitizers for your hands
- Making the bathroom by the bookstore a handwashing station
- Enhancing our cleaning and disinfecting routine throughout our building, to provide safe surfaces
- Exploring ways we can provide remote access to classes, should this become necessary in the coming weeks
- Make use of soaps and sanitizers as deemed appropriate
- Reduce physical contact with others
- if you feel ill, please stay home
- Alert us if you have been at the Center recently and experience symptoms or are diagnosed with COVID-19
- Meditate and dedicate for the health and wellbeing of others - through healing our own minds, we can heal the world

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