
Actual mental health is much more than simply not being depressed or not being anxious. It’s much more than simply being able to cope better with life. Through Buddha’s teachings on the mind we are given a vision of a fully healed mind, a vision of radiant mental health.


Saturday, April 1, 10:00am - 1:30pm

with France Roy and Kelly Goedert

$20 for the entire retreat or $12 per session

Supporting members free

Everybody welcome!

The Buddhist Vision for Radiant Mental Health

More and more these days it seems that everyone is “working on my mental health.” So many people are struggling with depression or anxiety, or insecurity or feelings of rejection. But what does it mean to be mentally healthy? What is a fully healthy mind? Do we even have an image of what that would be?

Actual mental health is much more than simply not being depressed or not being anxious. It is much more than simply being able to cope better with life. Through Buddha’s teachings on the mind we are given a vision of a fully healed mind, a vision of radiant mental health. Why is this? Because, according to Buddha, a fully healed mind is one that has become free of ‘the darkness of ignorance’, which is our misapprehension of the actual nature of our self and our perceptions. Through the practice of special meditations taught by Buddha, we will be able to experience the actual nature of our mind as completely pure, peaceful and radiant. Gaining even just a taste of this opens us up to the prospect of actual mental healing in which we experience real mental freedom and ongoing authentic happiness and peace.

Through talks, guided meditations and discussions Kelly and France will guide us into this mental health journey. Everyone is welcome.

Half-day Retreat Schedule

Session 1 with France: 10:00 - 11:15am
Session 2 with Kelly: 12:15 - 1:30pm