Giving Kids & Tweens the Opportunity to Discover their Own Good Nature
Kids class: 4-9 years
Tweens class: 10-14 yearsÂ
Our kids and tweens classes at KMC NYC teach kids how to meditate plus introduce them to foundational Buddhist concepts: how to connect to a sense of inner peace, to identify with our astounding potential, develop compassion and gratitude for the kindness of others, and let go of agitating states of mind like anger and jealousy. Regular attendance at these classes can assist kids with the development of important life skills such as increased empathy, respect for others, self control and concentration.
Classes are offered on Sundays, 11:00am - 12:30pm, by donation (suggested $5 per child)
Buddhist concepts might be deep, but kids understand them. They understand the exponential power of kindness. Sometimes even better than grownups, they connect to their imaginations and realize that we are who we decide to be. They learn that our negative emotions are like clouds passing in the clear blue sky of our minds. These lessons in meditation and Buddhist Dharma can plant seeds in these young minds that will flower for years to come, giving them insight into the power we have to create our own experiences.
The Kids and Tweens classes take place every Sunday at 11amÂ
Kids class is for those aged 4 - 9 yearsÂ
Tweens class is for those aged 10 - 14 years
On rare occasions, the two classes are combined into one
The classes run simultaneously with the General Program class upstairs, which many parents attend
Parents must remain on the premises while their child is attending class
Cost is by donation (suggested: $5)Â

Our Teachers
Kids Class

Tweens Class