General Program Class

Thursdays, 7:00 - 8:00pm

with Teri Proschuk

In-person only

With Concentration Comes Peace

Distraction is the enemy of meditation. It is because our minds are so distracted that our meditations lack the power to bring real and lasting change to our hearts. With an undistracted, single-pointed mind of concentration, our meditations on cherishing love, compassion, and wisdom will bring about rapid, profound spiritual development, and we will naturally benefit in every other facet of our lives as well.

In this series, we will follow clear, step-by-step instructions for training in meditative concentration taught by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, using the clarity of the mind as our main focus. The intention in this series is to empower practitioners to establish a clear and effective meditation practice, allowing them to journey at their own pace through the different levels of meditative concentration known as the nine mental abidings.

March 21: The Happiness of the Undistracted Mind
March 28: Finding our Object for Training: The Mind itself
April 4: Understanding Distraction: The Five Obstacles to Concentration
April 11: Canceled

April 18: Journey Through the Mental Abidings

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Our General Program classes include Dharma teachings along with guided meditations.
These classes are suitable for both beginners and more advanced meditation practitioners.
General meditation classes are given as a series, but can also be taken individually.
No special clothing is required.
Chairs and cushions are supplied.
Everyone welcome!